Now What?

For many years, “Now what?” has been a favorite question I ask myself. Since the pandemic, it is even more relevant. It is filled with infinite possibilities and makes me curious and alert to my inner wisdom pointing the way. This question, asked with positive anticipation, provides the opportunity to create from a place of inner peace,which, in turn, sparks intuitive choice-making toward your new creation. It is from this platform that life – every aspect of life – just gets better and better. 

A close up of a compass on a chain

Time passes. Things change.

Life is a series of beginnings, middles and ends. Life IS change and for some reason, we resist. Connecting with a coach can support you during those times and the times in between, where it can really get messy.

More About Lee

A black and white photo of a woman with blonde hair.

Lee is a professional life and business coach who knows that each of us has our own inner guidance. Her life has always been drawn to creativity, inner development and energy alignment. Her intention is to reacquaint you and help you re-member the language of your north star thereby inspiring you to meaningful actions that build upon each other. Lee’s style is very intuitive, which enables her to genuinely connect to who you are thus empowering YOU to inspired living. 

In addition to being a professional coach, Lee’s past includes the life of a semi-professional ballerina, actress, designer, space organizer, business consultant, sales trainer and leadership coach for business giants that include This End Up Furniture Company and Storehouse Furniture.

Although Lee has been coaching  since 1984 (before coaching was a “thing”), Lee attended Coach University from 2008-2012 with an advanced degree (196 hours of classes) and went on to earn her ACC credential through the International Coach Federation in 2013.

 Coaching appointments all happen by phone which creates a focused environment for her clients and allows her to tap in to her clairaudient and intuitive abilities.

In addition to being a professional coach, Lee is certified in Reiki I and II.  

She resides in the pacific northwest with her husband and dog.
